Vendor Application

Thank you so much for your interest in the Lovely Locks Hunt!
This will be Blue Zodiac Events' first hunt, and we're super excited about it! The theme for our first hunt is beautiful hairstyles! There's also a loose theme of the Western Zodiac (as per our name). However, this theme is completely optional.
We are interesting in gathering up Hair vendors, big and small, to great an amazing hunt that people will enjoy doing. Listed below are some of the rules and guidelines of the hunt.

- The hunt items will all be set to 20L, since hairs are high demand.
- There's 20 vendor slots open for this hunt.
- The hunt will be held November 1st through November 15th.
- The vendor application deadline is October 25th
- The theme is hairstyles, so please, not just accessories~
- The hairs can be either mesh or prim
- You may use already pre-made hairs, or you may make something new!
- You may use decoys!
- Please provide a hint for your placement
- When your application is accepted, you'll be asked to join a vendor group. This way we can keep you updated and vice versa!
- Make your hiding place challenging, but not impossible. It's no fun if it's out in the open! But it's also no fun if it takes hours to find.
- When your application is accepted, you'll be given a poster to put in your store along with the hunt object.
- We will do an initial walk through of the hunt before it starts. We'll let you know when!
- Please, if you know other hair vendors that might be interested, let them know!

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